Library with Ms. Camplin (until Mrs. Voth's return) is on Thursdays (9:40 - 10:20)
Gym - Tuesday (1:30-2:00) and Friday (2:00-2:30)
Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:00
iPads - TBA
We are slowly implementing new routines into our days. Eventually all of the following will be part of the regular routine (some we have not started yet).
Upon arrival:
- children take their name from the sign in board and move it from "absent" to "present."
- say good morning to the teacher with eye contact
- take care of their belongings - notices and things being returned to the teacher go into the white basket
- choose a book and sit on the carpet to read with friends and check in with each other
- teacher checks in with students, organizes returned notices and does attendance
After book time/morning:
- Calendar (lots of math) will be teacher led until some point in October. From that point on, calendar is led by a special helper each day (information specific to special helper still to come)
- Lesson of the day (story, letter of the week, art activity, writing activity, etc.)
- Work centres
- Choosing time in the classroom at learning centers
- Cleanup, hand washing, bathroom, snack until recess
After recess
- Numeracy activities - mainly using manipulatives, whole group, small group, pairs.
- Daily Physical Activity/body movement
- Special art projects
- Choosing time in classroom at learning centres
- Cleanup, hand washing, bathroom, 1/2 lunch eaten
After lunch
- Quiet as a Mouse time (lights out, classical music plays, no talking, option to look at books, draw in Quiet as a Mouse books, or just relax. This is their time to be in their own space, enjoy some peace and quiet, self direct, and reflect. We all LOVE it!
- Sharing for the special helper (not yet - information about sharing is to follow)
- Science/Health and Career/Social Studies (depending on the day)
- Adventure time outside, weather permitting
- Wash hands for final snack time of the day - *please note that on 2:00 dismissal days we may or may not have time for this snack as this normally occurs at 2:30. Some days are busier than others. These snacks are usually not perishable but if it is it could go to waste - perhaps consider only sending non perishables for that snack.
- Packing up for home time - it is their job to stack their chair and pack their bags, put boots on, jackets zipped, etc. I tell them that a "hands free student is a well organized student" and they will be reciting this soon enough.
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