Tuesday 29 September 2015

Parent Night Info and some new stuff

Information from Thursday in case you didn't make it...

Most important parts of Kindergarten include:

  • Independence!
    • Please give this gift to your children.   They should organize and unpack their own belongings at school in the morning, come into he classroom on their own and remember their routines on their own or with teacher help if needed.  Coming inside the classroom or right to the door with them, and doing their routines for them does not facilitate this.  Thank you! 
  • Social/Emotional well-being
    • Kindergarten is a social learning environment.  We are constantly involved in activities involving groups and partnerships, using language, working cooperatively, and exploring our environment together.
  • A feeling of safety - with each other and in the learning environment
    • We have high standards in Kindergarten for how we treat each other.  We do a lot of work to build community and ensure that everyone has a feeling of personal safety with each other as well as a feeling that they are free to try and fail as they learn new skills. 
In helping me to monitor progress in these goals, please do email me anytime with cares, concerns, and anecdotal stories outside of school that made you smile.  I am not outside with them at recess and this tends to be when and where feelings get hurt and things like exclusion happen.  If you hear about anything happening at recess, please assume I don't know about it and keep me informed.

Curriculum info coming separately.

New Curriculum - Brooksbank is deciding how to implement the new BC curriculum as a staff.  We have a couple of years to have it fully implemented.  In Kindergarten we are lucky in feeling like not much will change because our program has always been about the core competencies now the focus in the new curriculum.  Will keep you posted.

Volunteers are requested at times throughout the year like field trips or special activities within the school.  If you have anything else that you would like to initiate, such as an art project, story time, drama activity, share your occupation, etc., please contact me and we can set something up.  


Please email me any time throughout the day with messages for your child, playdate pickups, illness information (you must also call this into the office but the children are always curious when one of them is away), or anything else you think I should know about in the day.  I do check my email often and this method of reaching me is much easier than calling into the office and leaving a message.

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