Language Arts
Broken up into 3 strains
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking and Listening
Reading curriculum
- reading occurs from front to back, left to right and top to bottom
- common/sight word recognition
- understanding of terms like, "title," and "author."
- using pictures to aid understanding
- retelling
- sequencing story events
- making predictions and inferences
- distinguishing between letters and words
- Alphabet recognition
Writing curriculum
- letter formation
- phonetic/sound-based "invented spelling"
- writing of some common/sight words
- producing detailed drawings that tell a story
Speaking and Listening
- Rhyming
- Compound words (butterfly, snowman, etc.)
- Phonemes (letter sounds)
- Syllables
- Speaking clearly and audibly
- Speaking in more complex sentences
- Using descriptive words to talk about objects
- incorporating new/learned language into everyday speaking
- Counting
- patterns
- sorting
- properties of 3D objects (round, pointy, square)
- recognizing common arrangements up to 5 (dice)
- Measurement
- Number awareness
- use the 5 senses (see, hear, touch, feel, smell)
- make and record observations
- life cycles
- experimentation
- curiosity
- Changes that occur in nature (seasons)
- recycling
- properties of objects
Social Studies
- Governance of classroom, school, and self
- exploring the idea of community
- technology
- culture
Health and Career
- making choices
- becoming independent
- what it means to have jobs and responsibilities
- showing thoughtful, caring, kind behavior
- developing positive friendships/relationships
- safety and injury prevention
- inappropriate touching
- terminology for male and female body parts
- Safety
- Movement
- Fair play
- using equipment
- understanding why we need physical activity and how food and water contribute to a healthy body
- Using art supplies and materials safely and effectively
- experimenting with new techniques and materials
- participating in drama activities
- using appropriate audience etiquette
- showing appreciation and respect for the work of others
- participating in dance
- using movement to convey an idea or emotion
- creating 2D and 3D images
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