Tuesday 29 September 2015


Some great structures were built at choosing time today and since "blog" is now part of their vocabulary...they asked if we could share with parents :-)


Scholastic magazines will come home with your child once per month (starting today).  If you choose to order some books through the magazine, please fill out the order form and return to me with a cheque made out to Scholastic ASAP - alternatively, you could submit the order form to me and PAY ONLINE by credit card.  This is new this year from Scholastic!    The order will arrive to the school and be sent home with your child.  Every time you order, scholastic deposits credits into my account which I use yearly to enrich the classroom.


Kindergarten Curriculum

Below is some basic information on the Kindergarten Curriculum that may be of interest.  Please email me with any questions.  We are currently working on letter sound 'B' this week, and have started work on patterns and rhyming as well.  I will try to keep you updated on current themes so that you can practice with your children at home if you choose.

Language Arts

Broken up into 3 strains

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening
Reading curriculum 
  •  reading occurs from front to back, left to right and top to bottom
  • common/sight word recognition
  • understanding of terms like, "title," and "author."
  • using pictures to aid understanding
  • retelling
  • sequencing story events
  • making predictions and inferences
  • distinguishing between letters and words
  • Alphabet recognition
Writing curriculum
  • letter formation
  • phonetic/sound-based "invented spelling"
  • writing of some common/sight words
  • producing detailed drawings that tell a story
Speaking and Listening
  • Rhyming
  • Compound words (butterfly, snowman, etc.)
  • Phonemes (letter sounds)
  • Syllables
  • Speaking clearly and audibly
  • Speaking in more complex sentences
  • Using descriptive words to talk about objects
  • incorporating new/learned language into everyday speaking


  • Counting
  • patterns
  • sorting
  • properties of 3D objects (round, pointy, square)
  • recognizing common arrangements up to 5 (dice)
  • Measurement
  • Number awareness


  • use the 5 senses (see, hear, touch, feel, smell)
  • make and record observations
  • life cycles
  • experimentation
  • curiosity
  • Changes that occur in nature (seasons)
  • recycling
  • properties of objects

Social Studies

  • Governance of classroom, school, and self
  • exploring the idea of community
  • technology
  • culture

Health and Career

  • making choices
  • becoming independent
  • what it means to have jobs and responsibilities
  • showing thoughtful, caring, kind behavior
  • developing positive friendships/relationships
  • safety and injury prevention
  • inappropriate touching
  • terminology for male and female body parts


  • Safety
  • Movement
  • Fair play
  • using equipment
  • understanding why we need physical activity and how food and water contribute to a healthy body


  • Using art supplies and materials safely and effectively
  • experimenting with new techniques and materials
  • participating in drama activities
  • using appropriate audience etiquette
  • showing appreciation and respect for the work of others
  • participating in dance
  • using movement to convey an idea or emotion
  • creating 2D and 3D images

Parent Night Info and some new stuff

Information from Thursday in case you didn't make it...

Most important parts of Kindergarten include:

  • Independence!
    • Please give this gift to your children.   They should organize and unpack their own belongings at school in the morning, come into he classroom on their own and remember their routines on their own or with teacher help if needed.  Coming inside the classroom or right to the door with them, and doing their routines for them does not facilitate this.  Thank you! 
  • Social/Emotional well-being
    • Kindergarten is a social learning environment.  We are constantly involved in activities involving groups and partnerships, using language, working cooperatively, and exploring our environment together.
  • A feeling of safety - with each other and in the learning environment
    • We have high standards in Kindergarten for how we treat each other.  We do a lot of work to build community and ensure that everyone has a feeling of personal safety with each other as well as a feeling that they are free to try and fail as they learn new skills. 
In helping me to monitor progress in these goals, please do email me anytime with cares, concerns, and anecdotal stories outside of school that made you smile.  I am not outside with them at recess and this tends to be when and where feelings get hurt and things like exclusion happen.  If you hear about anything happening at recess, please assume I don't know about it and keep me informed.

Curriculum info coming separately.

New Curriculum - Brooksbank is deciding how to implement the new BC curriculum as a staff.  We have a couple of years to have it fully implemented.  In Kindergarten we are lucky in feeling like not much will change because our program has always been about the core competencies now the focus in the new curriculum.  Will keep you posted.

Volunteers are requested at times throughout the year like field trips or special activities within the school.  If you have anything else that you would like to initiate, such as an art project, story time, drama activity, share your occupation, etc., please contact me and we can set something up.  


Please email me any time throughout the day with messages for your child, playdate pickups, illness information (you must also call this into the office but the children are always curious when one of them is away), or anything else you think I should know about in the day.  I do check my email often and this method of reaching me is much easier than calling into the office and leaving a message.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Terry Fox

Just a little note to aid in your conversations with your children after school...we sat for our first assembly today to kick off the Terry Fox Run and they were spectacular audience members!  The school raised $500 for Cancer Research in Terry's name so thank you for your donations :-)

At their age we have minimal discussions about Terry but we did talk about the fact that he had cancer in his leg and had to have it removed.  We talked about him being a Canadian hero who, with only one leg, endeavored to walk all the way across Canada to help doctor's find a way to stop cancer.  They also heard that he was unable to finish his journey when the cancer spread throughout his body.

Hope you find this helpful!  Have a fantastic 4 day weekend with your children!  See you all back here on Tuesday.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Choosing time

Everyone is starting to gel together very well!  Each day after they finish their work/learning centers, they have the opportunity to choose an activity in the classroom and play with their friends.  There is lots to do and plenty of opportunities to share, use language with each other, experiment with new ideas, teach each other, and the list goes on!  It is their favorite time of day, no doubt and when it works as well as it is with this group, it is mine as well :-)

Quiet as a mouse time

Quiet as a Mouse Time is going so well!  I have never had a class take to it so quickly...they may not all report that they love it as it is certainly difficult to be so quiet for so long for some of them; however, they are following the routines excellently.  Here are some pics to show your children sitting silently and independently for up to 30 minutes at a time!   


We started working with patterns this week.  Kindergarten is a manipulative-based, social learning environment so following some carpet activities as a whole group, I asked students to work with a partner, rotating through tiny tubbies full of materials to develop some patterns together.  Check it out!

PS, if I don't have your personal consent form, or you checked "no" on the personal consent form, I can not publish pictures of your child here.


Reminder to please say goodbye to your children outside of the classroom door.  We still have a lot of parents coming inside which makes the morning routine difficult for the children to focus on and thus accomplish independently.


Tuesday 22 September 2015

Meet The Teacher Night

Meet the teacher night is coming up this Thursday at 6:00 for parents only.  This is an opportunity for teachers to give parents an overview of the classroom and how things work - routines, expectations, that sort of thing.  FYI, everything I am going to review is either already on or will soon be available on the blog so not to worry if you can't make it!

Monday 21 September 2015

Folders and Pictures

Sorry no pictures today as promised!  This computer is new to me and the first time I am trying to upload pics I am finding the program to be buggy.  I'll troubleshoot tomorrow and/or get it fixed ASAP.  

Also, communication folders starting coming home today.  These are used as a way of transporting papers between home and school.  They are also an added responsibility for children in the morning as they should unpack it first thing and bring it into the classroom with them.  Do not expect to see the folders if there is nothing coming home that day.

Friday 18 September 2015


Could everyone please bring an APPLE to school on Monday!  We are starting our study of the letter "A" and we can use these apples for sorting, patterning, and even art.  It would be awesome to see an array of colors, and sizes.

Thank you!


Just a reminder that picture day is on Monday!

Thursday 17 September 2015

Forms Fees and Compliments

Just a gentle reminder to please send in the $40 kindergarten supplies fee ASAP.

Also, I know there is a deadline of the 23rd for forms, but I would appreciate having 2 in particular back ASAP - the "Personal Information Consent" and the "Impromptu Walking Fieldtrip."  The first allows me to post pics on the blog and when we start our routines on Monday, I know you would all LOVE to see what your children are doing.  The second allows the children to participate in the Terry Fox walk (most likely around Loutet Park) on Thursday and I would love to have these organized well before the date to avoid panic :-)  Yes…I panic about forms!


Today was long and tiring for sure, but you can all be so proud of them for getting through it like STARS!  Great listening, great friendship, great participation…just GREAT!  Also echoed by Ms. Camplin in the library who said they were fantastic for their first class with her today.

So, thanks for bringing me such great kids :-)

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Morning Arrival

Doors open at 8:35 but class is not in session until 8:50.  There is no need to arrive earlier than 8:45.  If you arrive after the 8:50 bell, please stop at the office to sign your child in as late.  I begin attendance immediately at this bell and this quick stop ensures that the office staff can do their job of ensuring student safety as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

It is a great idea for all children to have a water bottle at school.  Preferably one that requires some suction to release water (open bottles will be spilled).  They can bring this in with them first thing in the morning.

At the start of next week, please say goodbye to the children outside of the classroom so that they can come in without distraction and begin learning their morning routines.  We are taking it very slow this week as they gel with each other but next week we launch into the routines that will be a staple for the rest of the year.   

Thank you!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Handy things to send to school

Please send your child to school with a complete change of clothes inside of a labelled bag that can stay at school.  Accidents happen at this age, but so does rain and having these clothes handy is very helpful.  

Please note that recess happens rain or shine so weather appropriate boots and jackets are very important each day.

Lastly, each child should have a backpack that is large enough to contain a picture book from the library as well as a letter-sized communication folder (this will be coming home shortly with information to follow).  It is challenging to protect the books and folder from the elements otherwise. 

Thank you!  

Comfort Kit Ziplock bags

In the first days of class, you received a lovely bunch of papers to fill out inside of a ziploc bag.  This ziploc bag can be used to hold the comfort kit supplies that have been requested.  If you returned the forms to me in the bag, I have sent the empty bag back home for this reason.

Monday 14 September 2015

Snack Time

Many of you will have heard about some "rules" for snack time by now.  It is quite an ordeal each year with many mixed messages coming home.  This should set the record straight :-)

Health and nutrition is a topic of focus for us all year long.  Some things that we focus on include the following:
  • food is fuel - it gives you energy
  • healthy food prepares your body and mind for learning and play
  • processed food is less healthy than fresh
  • timing is everything - sweets come last!
To this end, we practice the following:

We eat 4 times per day.

The first snack is at about 10:00.  At this time, it would be ideal for them to have some fresh fruits and/ vegetables.  We talk about the healthiest foods being those that look the same way now, as they did when they were growing in nature.  In doing so, we distinguish between an apple and apple sauce for example.  The apple is a healthy snack any time of day because it provides nutrition, while the applesauce is processed and is better as a snack later in the day.

We are a play first, eat second school; however, our eating time after lunch recess is quite limited and Kindies often have trouble finishing before the bell.  Also, they are REALLY hungry by 12:00.  To accommodate, our second snack of the day is around 11:45 - we call it "half-lunch." and they can eat just that…half their lunch.  This is also a good time for fresh fruits and veggies.

Third snack will be the rest of their lunch after lunch recess.  Once they are finished their sandwich (or thermos item) they might also want to munch on some crackers or similar.  If they have a juice box, now is a good time to drink it but water would be GREAT too.

Last snack of the day is at 2:30.  At this time, they can eat anything, really.  We sometimes call it our "sweety treaty" snack because they know that if they have a cookie, granola bar, fruit cup, etc. that they can eat it now.  It is also a perfect time for yummy things like popcorn, crackers, etc.  We talk about the fact that these foods are perfectly fine to eat, in moderation, and at the right time of day.  Of course, you might choose to send something that is more nutritious for this snack - the choice is yours.

Having said all of this, I would never deny them any food.  If there is no fresh fruit for example, we are going to look through their food together and figure out what the MOST appropriate item is for that time of day.  

One more note, because we, as a class, talk a lot about this as they year carries on, you may find that your picky eater is less picky while at school.  If you want to experiment with some foods that don't fly at home, please send it along.  It helps to let me know if you have a goal of getting new foods into rotation.   Please let me know if too much food is coming home uneaten…it can be tricky to keep up with what is going on at lunch time as I am not always in the room but if you let me know, I will make a point of checking up on it.


Friday 11 September 2015


Music with Mrs. Schwarzbach is on Wednesdays (9:20-9:50) and Fridays (9:50-10:20)
Library with Ms. Camplin (until Mrs. Voth's return) is on Thursdays (9:40 - 10:20)
Gym - Tuesday (1:30-2:00) and Friday (2:00-2:30)
Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:00
iPads - TBA

We are slowly implementing new routines into our days.  Eventually all of the following will be part of the regular routine (some we have not started yet).

Upon arrival:
  • children take their name from the sign in board and move it from "absent" to "present."
  • say good morning to the teacher with eye contact
  • take care of their belongings - notices and things being returned to the teacher go into the white basket
  • choose a book and sit on the carpet to read with friends and check in with each other
  • teacher checks in with students, organizes returned notices and does attendance
After book time/morning:
  • Calendar (lots of math) will be teacher led until some point in October.  From that point on, calendar is led by a special helper each day (information specific to special helper still to come)
  • Lesson of the day (story, letter of the week, art activity, writing activity, etc.) 
  • Work centres
  • Choosing time in the classroom at learning centers
  • Cleanup, hand washing, bathroom, snack until recess
After recess
  • Numeracy activities - mainly using manipulatives, whole group, small group, pairs.
  • Daily Physical Activity/body movement
  • Special art projects
  • Choosing time in classroom at learning centres
  • Cleanup, hand washing, bathroom, 1/2 lunch eaten
After lunch
  • Quiet as a Mouse time (lights out, classical music plays, no talking, option to look at books, draw in Quiet as a Mouse books, or just relax.  This is their time to be in their own space, enjoy some peace and quiet, self direct, and reflect.  We all LOVE it!  
  • Sharing for the special helper (not yet - information about sharing is to follow)
  • Science/Health and Career/Social Studies (depending on the day)
  • Adventure time outside, weather permitting
  • Wash hands for final snack time of the day - *please note that on 2:00 dismissal days we may or may not have time for this snack as this normally occurs at 2:30.  Some days are busier than others.  These snacks are usually not perishable but if it is it could go to waste - perhaps consider only sending non perishables for that snack.
  • Packing up for home time - it is their job to stack their chair and pack their bags, put boots on, jackets zipped, etc.  I tell them that a "hands free student is a well organized student" and they will be reciting this soon enough.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Welcome to Division 15!

This site is a work in progress but once it is up and running, it will be the primary way that I communicate with the parent group.  Please enter your email address in the, "follow by email" link on your right so that you stay up to date on class routines, field trips, class news, curriculum information, and pictures of what's going on.

More to come soon...