Friday 1 April 2016

Independence Day

Independence Day - Kindergarten!

It's that time of year for Kindergarten students and parents.  I know that many of you have children who have already insisted on walking themselves to class from the front door for some time, so keep doing what you are doing if that is the case!  

If you are still walking your child to their coat hooks, please begin the process of letting them go further on their own.  For some, this might mean walking up from the car, an immediate departure at the front door, or being walked to the point where they can see the classroom door…and all points in between.  There is NOT one child in this room who isn't completely and confidently independent in the school throughout the day so this is actually not a stretch for them at all.

Your attention to this step towards independence is very important.  Next year, in Grade 1, they are not supervised at dismissal like they are now.  The bell rings and off they go to retrieve their belongings and make their way to a meeting spot or after school childcare.  

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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