Friday 1 April 2016

Concepts of Print

Concepts of Print Kindergarten

The 'concepts of print' are being assessed this term.  Concepts of print include the following:

  • identifying the title
  • knowing the difference between 'front of the book' and 'back of the book'
  • words tell the story, not the pictures
  • difference between 'words' and 'letters'
  • words are formed by letters sitting close together
  • words are separated by a space
  • we read from left to right
  • we read from front to back
  • identifying marks like quotations, periods, and question marks
You can practice any of these things at home as you read together.  Practice doesn't have to mean quizzing your child (although it can as some quite like this).  Just being explicit about these concepts as you read doesn't go unnoticed - for example, instead of just reading the title, first say, "the title is..." or "I am going to start reading the story here (finger at the beginning of the sentence) and go all the way to the period, here."

Happy Reading!

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