Friday 22 April 2016


Such an amazing day today!

A parent helper came in to lead a rock painting activity in the morning, followed by a visit from Jared from the Young Actors Project, and an assembly by some of the BC Lions' finest linebackers (#44 and #45) educating us about how to conserve energy in honor of Earth Day.

So much joy and laughter today - I would say it was a perfect Friday :-)

PS...I will see these masks in my nightmares.  Really...

Friday 15 April 2016

Young Actors Project

First day of our Young Actors Workshop today and I have NEVER seen your children more happy.  They had an absolute blast, full participation, and so much talent in the room!  I am certain they would love to tell you all about it.

Jared taught them that "acting is making the imaginary real."

Friday 8 April 2016

Dance assembly

You can find an unlisted video of our little ones dancing at the dance assembly today, by clicking here.

Friday 1 April 2016

Home Reading

Home Reading

We will begin our home reading program soon.  This book should be read nightly until your child feels successful in reading it.  Please make sure you make this a fun and positive experience for your child.  Remember, looking at pictures is part of the beginning reading experience.  
    Also, please remember that this is about your child enjoying reading and feeling successful and confidant.   This should take about 10 minutes each night.  Feel free to supplement these books with your own collection and/or the library.
    When you are ready for a new book, please return the one you have in your child’s backpack and they will trade for another.  

If you have any questions about the reading program, please feel free to email me.

If your child cannot read a word, here are some strategies:
      Ask your child about the word they said:  Does it look right?  Does it sound right? Does that word make sense?
      See if they are able to recognize sight words.   The sight words in your child’s books should be ones that they have/are learning.  
      See if they are able to recognize a pattern in the text.   Are the words rhymes?  Can they figure out the mystery word by looking for rhyming or pattern clues?
Can they recognize the sounds we’ve learned in class?  Focus on the beginning and ending sounds.

Independence Day

Independence Day - Kindergarten!

It's that time of year for Kindergarten students and parents.  I know that many of you have children who have already insisted on walking themselves to class from the front door for some time, so keep doing what you are doing if that is the case!  

If you are still walking your child to their coat hooks, please begin the process of letting them go further on their own.  For some, this might mean walking up from the car, an immediate departure at the front door, or being walked to the point where they can see the classroom door…and all points in between.  There is NOT one child in this room who isn't completely and confidently independent in the school throughout the day so this is actually not a stretch for them at all.

Your attention to this step towards independence is very important.  Next year, in Grade 1, they are not supervised at dismissal like they are now.  The bell rings and off they go to retrieve their belongings and make their way to a meeting spot or after school childcare.  

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Concepts of Print

Concepts of Print Kindergarten

The 'concepts of print' are being assessed this term.  Concepts of print include the following:

  • identifying the title
  • knowing the difference between 'front of the book' and 'back of the book'
  • words tell the story, not the pictures
  • difference between 'words' and 'letters'
  • words are formed by letters sitting close together
  • words are separated by a space
  • we read from left to right
  • we read from front to back
  • identifying marks like quotations, periods, and question marks
You can practice any of these things at home as you read together.  Practice doesn't have to mean quizzing your child (although it can as some quite like this).  Just being explicit about these concepts as you read doesn't go unnoticed - for example, instead of just reading the title, first say, "the title is..." or "I am going to start reading the story here (finger at the beginning of the sentence) and go all the way to the period, here."

Happy Reading!