Wednesday 30 March 2016

Activities and Events upcoming

Here we are in the final term of Kindergarten!  It has gone by incredibly quickly for me.

We have some exciting things coming up in the next few months including:

  • KM club starts the week of April 4th
    • Promotes health and wellness
    • 3 times per week
      • Mondays 1130-1200, Tuesdays 9-930, and Fridays 215-245
        • Please ensure that your child has a water bottle and footwear suitable for running around a gravel field on these days
      • Ribbons are achieved for KM milestones
      • Certificate with KM total comes home in June
  • Participation in the District run, Primary Music Festival the week of May 9th
    • Attendance by school bus
    • Planned and coordinated by Mrs. Schwarzbach
    • Parents will be welcome to attend - date and more information to come
  • Spring visit from the North Shore Black Bear Society to learn about bears in our community
  • Young Actor's Project in-class workshops
    • April 15 1020-1210, April 22 1020-1210, and April 29 1020-1210
    • These are amazing and it is a shame if they miss any days!
  • Visit to a Grade 1 classroom
    • Some time in May - more info to come
  • Fieldtrip to Maplewood Farm - (Date TBD)
    • Will require parent volunteer drivers
  • Butterfly larvae arriving May 18th!
  • Year-end trip to ViewLynn Park on Monday, June 27th from ~12:30-2:30
    • Notice to come home closer to the date
    • No fee
    • Will require parent volunteer drivers
    • Siblings and extended family welcome to join!
  • Home Reading program
    • More information to come

Mysterious Scholastic order

Please email me if you ordered a "build your own weather station" kit from scholastic.  It is here but there was no name written on the order form.


Friday 11 March 2016

Special Guest and Art Activity

We were so thrilled to have a visit from a class member's Nona today.  Marion is visiting from Portugal and came in to read a story, sing an action song, and lead an art project for the children.  We heard about Pedro, a fish from the seas around Portugal, who needed his friends' help getting freed from a fisherman's net.  We learned that "socorro" means help in Portuguese and "uhn, doysh, tresh," is 1, 2, 3!
You can check out the art display in the hallway today or after the break.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Report Card Envelopes

Reminder to please sign and return the Report Card envelopes ASAP.  They will most certainly disappear after Spring Break :-)


Monday 7 March 2016


As per usual, I added some new items for choosing time today.  These things should hold their attention for the remainder of the year.

They instantly took to working together to make some amazing things and wanted to share.  It was great to see the cooperation as they collaborated and hear the kind words they expressed to each other as they learned how to use the new materials.

More pictures to come this week.  Sorry for the lag.  February is easily the busiest time of year for Kindergarten :-)

Coolest sharing ever!

*For safety reasons, I can not use student names on the blog

One of our friends brought a very special person for sharing today.  We got to hear about what a police officer's job is in the community, ask questions, and even turn on the lights on the police car!  They are currently wearing their police hats and arresting each other so don't be surprised if you find yourself getting hauled off to jail when they get home today ;-)

Thursday 3 March 2016


Scholastic orders will go out on Friday.  That should give it enough time to arrive before the break.

Thanks :-)

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Student-led Conferences

Conferences are taking place next week and here is what they will look like:

  • A sign up sheet will be posted outside the office this week.
  • Student-led meaning I will be in the room but not facilitating in any way.  Your child will have some things to show you but this is their time to share their classroom with you in whatever way they choose.  This may mean drawing a picture together, reading books, playing Lego, or leading you through classroom routines.
  • Duration is 30 minutes but you do not have to stay that long. 
  • There can be as many as 4 families in the room at the same time.
  • This is not the time to have conversations with me about your child specifically.  If you would like to meet to do that, drop me an email and we can set up a time.
  • I will be keeping busy - this is because their behavior can be quite different when parents and I are in a room together.  I am going to keep my distance in the hopes that they feel perfectly comfortable with just you.
  • There will be some things to bring home that day.
  • Younger siblings are welcome.

If none of the posted times work for you, please email me.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Loutet Farm

We are taking a little walking field trip to Loutet Farm on Wednesday before recess.  The forecast calls for wind and rain so please ensure that they are dressed accordingly.  There are lots of farmers on hand so no need for helpers :-)
