Thursday 19 November 2015

New this week

The past couple of weeks we learned about compound words.  These words occur when two stand-alone words combine to make a new word.  For example, Snow and Man make Snowman; Butter and Fly make Butterfly.  I find this to be the easiest language element for them to learn, especially the act of combining the two words together to make a new word  The trickier part is asking them to leave one part out.  For example, say "cowboy" without the "cow."  What's left?

Also new the past couple of weeks is learning about "part-part whole" in math.  They find various ways of showing a number using two parts - for example, show 5 using two hands (hold up 2 fingers on one hand and 3 on the other or 4 on one hand and 1 on the other).  We do this for numbers up to 10.  This is a precursor to addition.

We also started Guided Art today!  In guided art we use pencils only and complete a step-by-step drawing together.  At the end of the drawing they have creative time to add to the drawing as they wish.  Soon, we will also add a written element where they are asked to write a title for their drawing.  For example, if we draw a person, they would be asked to write the word, "person."  They are encouraged to use what we call, "invented spelling" which goes uncorrected; however, I do give them the correct spelling once they have made their attempt.  I ask them NOT to erase their version  so that they understand that there is value in the sounds that they found, however many that may be.

Other current or upcoming topics include Fall and Family in Science and Social Studies respectively.

I hope this gives you some things to talk about with your child :-)


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