Friday 16 October 2015


It feels strange to be saying it because of the lovely weather we continue to have, but it is cold and flu season!

Last year, my classroom experienced quite a stomach bug which had children vomiting very suddenly - in the classroom, in the hallway, in the playground, and a lucky few made it to the medical room.  We had at least 6 or 7 absences at a time as a result and a district cleaning team came in to disinfect the room.  This, even though we wash our hands before every meal and are quite diligent about not sharing germs throughout the day.  These children all appeared quite healthy and fine until the moment when they threw up.  This sneaky bug was very challenging to manage but most illnesses begin with some warning signs - the runny noses, coughing, difficulty sleeping, and tummy complaints.  Please be sure to keep your sick children home so that we are doing our best to prevent the spread of germs.

Thank you!

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