We will be celebrating Halloween on Friday this week. The classroom will be decorated for Friday morning - I drop hints about this but it is meant to be a
surprise when they walk in that morning! There will be lots of ooey gooey, creepy, spooky things going on - nothing scary, but I do go a bit overboard. What can I say...I love the smiles ;-)
Costumes can come to school that morning but they will not put them on until after lunch. Costumes will go on OVER clothing so you may need to dress them accordingly that day. If there are pieces of the costume that are delicate (fairy wings for example) you may wish to leave that part out but if you aren't worried about it, neither am I.
Please do NOT send masks or weapons of any sort.
If your child wishes to have their makeup done for this part of the day, please come by at 1:00 to do this. Otherwise, there is no need for you to be here as they can dress quite independently.
All of this is in preparation for a school-wide halloween parade that happens in the afternoon. This is the chance for all children to showcase their costumes and show appreciation for others'. It's a big hit!
We would also like to have a class party that day. If you would like to contribute some party foods/drinks, please COMMENT ON THIS MESSAGE and then hit "publish" with the item you will be bringing. This way,
everyone can see what we have and what we need. Suggestions would be fruit/veggie platter, juice boxes (22 students total), chips/cheezies, and perhaps a sweet treat. If you are creative enough to be able to make something Halloween inspired that would be fun!
Email me with any questions or special instructions for Halloween costumes!
Thanks :-)